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Sticky Extension

Stick your UberMenu in place on scroll

UberMenu Sticky Extension adds the ability to make your UberMenu "sticky", meaning it'll stick to the same spot in the viewport as your users scroll down your page.

Sticky menus allow your users easy access to your menu at all times, without having to scroll back to the top of the page to navigate to a different part of your site. The Sticky Menu Extension will stick your menu in place even if it doesn't start off at the top of your site, and hold it there while your users browse your content.

Mobile Devices

By default, UberMenu Sticky Menu Extension is automatically disabled for mobile devices (phones, iPods, etc), since overflow content on fixed position menus will become inaccessible on small screens. It will continue to function as a sticky menu on larger devices, such as iPads, however.

UberMenu Sticky does have an experimental option for displaying sticky menus on mobile, which may work with your theme. However, if you would like a sticky mobile menu, I recommend checking out ShiftNav

A note on fixed menus

Fixed menus, by nature, may be cut off by the extents of the viewport (browser window size, device screen, etc). Anything that doesn’t fit on the screen will be inaccessible. Please keep this in mind if you have very large submenus.

  • WordPress 3.9+
  • UberMenu 3.0+
  • jQuery 1.11+ (included with WordPress 3.9+)

UberMenu not included. Must be purchased separately.

A Note on CSS Positioning

Because the positioning is fixed (that's what allows it to stay in the same place on the screen), the ways in which you can position your menu are more limited, as fixed elements are taken out of the flow. Out of the box, UberMenu Sticky allows you to create a sticky menu that expands the full width of your window, or aligned left within your content width (dependent partially on your theme structure). More advanced positioning is unpredictable because of the inconsistent way various browsers handle fixed positioning. Right-aligned-within-the-content-area positions, for example, are not possible out-of-the-box. Please be aware that custom positioning beyond the basics is the customer’s responsibility.

Scroll Down to Stick

icon-angle icon-bars icon-times

UberMenu Demo Settings

& More
A sample of configurable options:
  • Trigger (click/hover)
  • Menu Bar Position
  • Submenu width
  • Submenu alignment
  • Orientation (vertical or horizontal)
  • Menu Item Alignment (right/left/center)
  • Transition Speed
  • Image Size
  • Submenu Background images
  • Responsiveness & Responsive Toggle
  • Icons
  • Google Fonts

UberMenu 3 is almost here!

This is a preview site for UberMenu 3.

Currently, UberMenu 2 is available for purchase - see the UberMenu 2 Demo.

UberMenu 3 will be a free upgrade for all UberMenu 2 customers - and existing customers currently get early access to version 3 in the Support Forum

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